A daughter of a breast cancer survivor has asked Victoria's Secret to make and sell bras that will fit prosthetics for women who have had mastectomies, according to this article.
All I can say is in typing that sentence, I can't see how Victoria's Secret fits with mastectomies and prosthetics. It just feels wrong typing it.
Absurd, even. But then I'm not a well-meaning daughter of a survivor, I am a woman who had breast cancer, had a mastectomy and had to find bras that would hold my breast form for two years, until I had reconstruction.
Let me just say I don't trust Victoria's Secret with the job of building a functional, comfortable bra for women who have had mastectomies. It's not their niche, and I would prefer they didn't co-opt it in the name of making more bucks.
Helping me post-cancer is really not as simple as letting me spend my money on a frilly bra.
No, that's entirely absurd.
And, speaking of the article, please say it with me again: "No one can know they've beaten breast cancer until they live a long life and die of something else."
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