Monday, March 11, 2013

Supraspinatus tendinosis definition

Supraspinatus tendinosis / Inflammation in the shoulder

Do you have pain in the shoulder?
If you have pain in the shoulder, this can be due to many reasons. A common cause is an injury or overuse of the tendons that support the shoulder bullet in the shoulder joint. One of the ligaments that often gets damaged is supraspinatus. The extent of damage will determine what treatment is most effective. This can be evaluated by a clinical examination supplemented by ultrasound diagnostics . Using ultrasound then physiotherapist see how the scene moves in the joint and the large extent of the damage.

What can you see with ultrasound?
Using ultrasound as physiotherapist can look in on your bones and joints. Comparing photos of the fresh side helps the physiotherapist to determine whether the findings obtained in the pictures, is relevant for your ailments. Before a scan with ultrasound device implemented physiotherapist takes a thorough medical history and do a relevant clinical examination.

There are a number of pathological conditions an experienced clinics can view ultrasound images . The most common conditions we look for is damage to the muscle and connective tissue ingrowth of vessels and nerves in tendon tissue which may indicate inflammation, deposition of calcium in the muscle and tendon tissue and enlarged mucus bags. It is also common for fluids that may indicate damaged tissue.

When it comes to the shoulder so you can not see what's hiding under the roof which forms the acromion. (Bony edge of the shoulder blade, which is above the joint as a roof). You have to either take the radiograph with precise angle, MRI or CT.

What is calcification?
Lime is calcium deposited in the tendon tissue. This may occur where, for example, a tendon has been injured and how the injury has not healed sufficiently. In most cases it is not the lime in itself a problem, as it generally is never painful. But physiotherapist can find calcium in your shoulder as this is a proof that the tendon is damaged and not functioning optimally. As I said, not the lime problem in itself in most cases, but in the shoulder, the situation is slightly different. Where can chalk making the tendon becomes too thick to get into the acromion. In those cases it will make the tendon cup crushed bones under this roof and damaged and irritated by repetitive movements. Then one can also find that slime bag between the acromion and supraspinatus becomes inflamed. This mucus bag which is also called a bursa may then be so inflamed forming more liquid adhesives bag and it expands. Then the cycle stopped by both tendon with classification and slime bag takes up so much space that they do not manage to squeeze into the acromion. This would provide a same terminal the joint that can be very painful.

What is a bursa ?
A bursa or bursa is a structure that is found everywhere in the body. It is a thin, flexible fiber bag with a thin content of fluid that lubricates the inside of the slime bag . bursae has the property that it acts as a friction pad where bones and muscles glide over each other. In this way it prevents the muscle fibers are damaged when they are pulled over and past the bones. When this slime bag becomes inflamed by excessive friction or impact, then fill it with fluid and become painful. When we call it a bursitis or bursa inflammation .

What happens during an inflammation of the supraspinatus ?
One of the most common findings as one does in a damaged and painful supraspinatus tendon is fluid and damaged tendon fibers. The fluid then fills up the room where the damaged fibers normally would. By using a special form of ultrasound (power Doppler) you can see if there are blood vessels in this part of the tendon. In a healthy tendon that are not normally such vessels, and their presence is therefore a sure sign of damage. Research has revealed that blood vessels and small nerve fibers growing into a tendon is injured, but this happens only after the immediate inflammation has subsided. Then tendon tissue normally has little blood flow, it is necessary to increase this through bleeding to ensure reparation takes place satisfactorily.

Prolonged and excessive damage to the fibers of the tendon, one can also find a corresponding scale in parts of the tissue, which we regard as a proof that the tissue has been damaged and not properly healed on a stage. But that's not necessarily a bad lime in late, and you can also find calcium in a painless slow, so the cup itself is not evidence of any ongoing pain condition (inflammation) or progressive claims.

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